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Adam Creighton, Computer and Video Gaming (Subscribe)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

MAXUM Games -- A new kind of development studio?

I saw a blurb on about upcoming Xbox 360 game Demons of Mercy, developed by Colorado-based MAXUM Games, LLC.

The game's title is somewhat intriguing, as is its being based on an upcoming comic book, but the nugget that got my attention is it "will be developed under one of their founding principles: NO HUMAN WILL KILL ANOTHER HUMAN IN ANY MAXUM VIDEO GAME".

That nugget, along with me not knowing anything about MAXUM, led me to spin through every page of their Website.

Whoa. This is different.

No pictures. No screenshots. A bunch of talk about "there had to be a better way" to counter increasing game development budgets and complexity. A perks package that sounds like Electronic Arts's EALA studio -- but independent. A lot of stuff that makes it sound like their philosophy of valuing employes is more that mere lip service. password controlled Corporate and Publishing portals. References to a "Council of 9".

References to their other two in-process games:

And more information on MAXUM's founding principle:

"As for our first rule, there will be some human death, it just will not come
from the hands of the player. Trust us when we say our AI department is ensuring
that all our demons, robots, and aliens are completely intent on killing the
human heroes of our games. It is up to the player to survive."


"[D]emons, robots, aliens, and unknowns are far more extraordinary to fight."


They'll be getting an Email from me.

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SOURCES:,,,, IGN, GameInformer, Official XBox Magazine, CNN,, and others.


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