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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Comic-Con: Wednesday

Wednesday (July 25) was my first day in San Diego, and thanks to "Early Preview Night" for three- and four-day badge holders, my first time on the Comic-Con exhibit floor.

Insane. Overwhelming. Amazing.

On preview night, there are no panels, so the one place for attendees to be is the exhibit floor, so it was wall-to-wall bodies.

And who should greet us as we walk in? Lou "The Incredible Hulk" Ferrigno. We had arrived.

Not being body-averse, I navigated throughout the mass-o'-flesh, looked for the booths selling convention exclusives (turns out they'd already sold out for the day's allotments), and got the lay of the land for Biz contacts for the next day (many of the booths were minimally staffed on Wednesday), and just generally tried to soak in the geeky awesomeness that was my first taste of Comic-Con.

Cool stuff:

Honestly? The whole thing. It felt great to be in a place that celebrates all of the pop culture stuff that informs and expresses my skills as a creative. Could it get any better?


Mr. Ferrigno:

Lou Ferrigno at Comic-Con 2007

Life-size Golden Compass polar bear mount:

Life-size Golden Compass polar bear mount at Comic-Con 2007

Prototypes for upcoming Hasbro GI Joe 25th Anniversary figures:
Hasbro GI Joe at Comic-Con 2007

(Including related July 24 posts.)

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