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People, by nature, have some interesting things to say. Here are some of my things. Some about acting. All about living ...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

MangAdam likes turkey. And pecan pie. Really likes pecan pie ...

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I had an interesting audition for Beth Sepko Casting today, for a Southwest Airlines spot.

I say "interesting" because it's November, and the spot required us to be in swim suits; I wore a bright yellow one. Ah, those Southwest folks are wacky! Here we are, a bunch of actors cycling through the casting office in our swim wear. Yes, Dear, the audition did take that long. And the carpet is ... uh ... blue? No -- Yellow!

In all seriousness, kudos to Beth for making what could be an awkward and stressful audition feel safe and comfortable.

And she didn't say I looked like a fuzzy banana, which I thought was kind.

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Monday, November 22, 2004

This just in from I've-been-googled: I've been googled!

How cool is that? I review my Web traffic logs on a weekly basis, and I've finally been directly googled (that is, people typed "Adam Creighton" in Google).

No, I wasn't the one who typed it in. And yes, it feels good ...

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Saturday, November 20, 2004

Last night's Austin Callback showcase absolutely rocked on so many fronts!

With 80+ folks in attendance, our pilot two-act (rather than the full three-act) film community showcase let people see 14 actors in professional, finished film clips -- some of which have never seen distribution.

Act II of the showcase saw four actors (two sets of two) doing a "public cold read", having received scenes an hour before the performance. The actors would run through their scene, then run through it again after receiving awesome coaching and direction from Mona Lee, who by her generous participation kicked off the event in big way.

Along with Mona, actors Ron Tater, Vivian Vives, Rick Azulay, and Sarah Paige courageously put themselves out there in front of a huge crowd, took risks, and showed us the craft they love. And Sarah's second performance was probably the highlight of the evening.

Creator and co-producer Brad Koester still got to enjoy the fruits of our collective vision, despite running around like mad on the technical front.

Of course, I don't think I'm being overly immodest in saying that Frank Brantley and I absolutely ripped it up as the tag-team, separated-at-birth Emcee duo.

Thanks to all of the actors, technical staff, sponsors and participants, and audience members who made last night possible. And if you thought this was good, wait until the first of the year ...

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Friday, November 19, 2004

Who is this MangAdam, anyway? ...

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

What a great day in the acting life today!

This afternoon, I did an audition for Joel Block at The Production Block Studios for Houghton Mifflin. The gig would be for reading books to pre-K kids. In theory, this should be right up my alley, but I talk fast -- keep up, Kiddos!

Then, it was off to Mean-Eyed Cat for an Austin Callback planning meeting. This Friday is our "pilot showcase", so please come and support this film community showcase.

Then, it was off to Van Brooks's Film Acting class. We brought out own scenes tonight. I don't get to do the Joss Whedon scenes I wanted to do, but I do get to do a sweet sentimental scene from the animated X-Men: Evolution episode, "On Angel's Wings" -- and I get to be cyclops!

Great day in the acting life; not such a great day in the toy job life, so I'll be playing catch-up tomorrow.

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Monday, November 15, 2004

MangAdam is coming ...

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Sunday, November 14, 2004

It's 5 p.m. in Austin, and it's cold, foggy, and rainy -- in other words, great! Naw, I couldn't live in Seattle, but this Idaho Boy is actually starting to get comfortable as the weather cools down a month later than normal.

In keeping with a theme, when I walk into a restaurant I'm a freak; fortunately, this time it's because I'm in a short-sleeve knit tee, and the rest of the patrons are in parkas. Thin-blooded, small-lunged Texans ... (I'm going to get jumped by a bull-rider, I just know it ... ;-)

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Be sure to check out the Bunny and Clydo slick teaser trailer (stylized Asian action short)!

Even if my featured part gets chopped out of the film, I really encourage people to see it anyway -- which I don't say often ...

Billed as "John Woo's Face/Off meets Guy Ritchie's Snatch", why would you want to miss this?

Rocky Jo, Damon Chang, and Arnie Reyes are incredibly talented folks with whom to work, and I really enjoy watching actor Luke King.

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Friday, November 12, 2004

I had an audition last night with Ari Briskman of Snowy Owl Productions, for Understanding Stella. Understanding Stella is one of those important films, bringing to light the "trials, tribulations, and triumphs of a Houston family raising their two daughters, the youngest of which is autistic."

The film started out as a documentary, and now will be an HD narrative, with video footage shot for the documentary cut into the story.

I tried out a new dramatic monologue ("What Have You Done?" by William Shatner). It was a bit stilted, and attempting to do Shatner spoken word is kind of like trying to do Jack Nicholson or Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men. Ah well, I'm not in this business to play it safe ...

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Saturday, November 06, 2004

This just in from
Hilarious-movies-people-should-see: I think
people will have a blast with The Lost Skeleton of Cadavera. This film is a riot, and is a modern re-take on 1950s sci-fi flicks. It's intentionally campy, playfully jabbing at specific titles and genre foibles. Check it out!

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Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I just got back from Rockin' da vote! Hmm ... funny ... MTV made it much sexier when I was growing up.

Ah well. I'm just praying folks are voting based on convictions and voting/track records, and not making decisions based on the media or anti-/non-campaigns.

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